Total Hip Replacement

Finding the Best Hip replacement surgery in Nagpur is a major decision and procedure, there are several factors that can help you come to a better conclusion when deciding whether to undergo a hip replacement or not. It is one of the most successful surgeries in Orthopedics. It seeks to relieve patients’ hip discomfort and deformities caused by arthritis.

One of the most successful surgery in Orthopaedics, total hip replacement or THR aims at relieving patients hip pain and deformity secondary to arthritis. Hip arthritis is caused due to several reasons most common being Avascular necrosis of Femur (AVN) secondary to steroid abuse , alcoholism etc. other reasons being Rheumatoid arthritis ,ankylosing spondylitis, Tuberculosis, sequelae to septic arthritis and more. Patient suffers from chronic debilitated pain, stiffness, irritability due to chronic pain, disability leading to a poor quality of life . all this today can be managed effectively and without complications by doing THR. Patient walks the very next day and our novel joint replacement programme aims at post op patient recovery and management at there respective home. We use all the latest implant technologies viz. Metal on Poly (MoP), Ceramic on Poly (CoP),Ceramic on Ceramic (CoC). Be it cemented or uncemented hip replacement surgeries , conventional hips or dual mobility construct hips , we cater to all types of hip replacement surgeries.

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